Our product
Capture reality better virtually with EmergencyEye®.
Through EmergencyEye®, service facilities will improve their performance as staff will be able to handle calls faster, more accurately and efficiently, and better support and care for those affected. The innovative technology can be set up in just a few minutes, is easy to integrate into existing IT infrastructures, and thus easily complements the existing armentarium.
The very intuitive usability of EmergencyEye®, the highest possible cyber security and the protection of personal data lead to a high acceptance among callers and users. We offer EmergencyEye® as a mobile solution for situation reconnaissance and assessment to command and control, crisis and disaster management teams, supervisory authorities and decision-makers/leaders.
Quick installation, easy handling and direct connection to modern smartphones.
The individual functions are enabled using WebRTC technology and controlled via the EmergencyEye® web interface. The user can manage his account and access rights independently and integrate it into an existing IT infrastructure via a free interface, so that all actions and information can be stored and interactions that have taken place can be assigned. EmergencyEye® was initially developed for use in emergency communications and has since been in routine use in numerous emergency call facilities in Germany and Switzerland.
The patented EmergencyEye® software is provided as software-as-a-service and is now used in the energy, gas and water industries, in chemical groups, logistics and service companies. We continuously develop EmergencyEye® according to user feedback and thus guarantee a user-friendly product that is future-oriented, sustainable and beneficial. As a white label, the licensee can use EmergencyEye® under its corporate identity.
All EmergencyEye® functions at a glance
Live video
Allows a view of the situation on site
Allows documentation and information for other experts
HD Photo
Provides access to high resolution images and documents
Helps to guide purposefully
Allows interactive editing of images from live video
Provides rapport building with the caller through the agent’s video image
Share screen content
Prioritize content for callers
Overcomes language problems among other things by simultaneous translation into several languages
Invite participants
Allows to add one or more experts to existing session
Enables the caller’s voice to be switched on in a shared session with experts
Copy SMS link
Allows sharing the session link e.g. by e-mail
Disclaimer BC (before connection)
Consent request before connection setup for employees and callers
Free text field for noting information
Session Report
Ensures complete documentation
Provides the interface
Address book
Allows quick connection to stored contacts
User structure
Enables the creation of individual departments in an organization chart
Documentation of live video and/or audio data
Locates the place of action
Routet other auxiliaries on site
The existing telephone connection between smartphone and service/control center remains untouched
Technical details of EmergencyEye®:
- WebRTC technology
- Integration into existing IT infrastructures
- Intuitive operability and easy handling
- Highest cybersecurity and protection of personal rights
- No pre-installations on smartphones necessary
- Patented and certified software
- Account including access rights management
- Platform is available in German, Italian, French or English.
- Also available as white label license in your own corporate design
- Suitable for service providers, customer service, incident management, emergency management

Test your cybersecurity
Firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems, proxy servers and many more are important elements of cyber security and data protection. Both are the basis of partnership for us and we ourselves maintain the highest standards. Use the “checkbox” to test the performance of your IT security concept and be pleased if the test initially shows hurdles.
Because that would be the proof of a good protection of your infrastructure and the basis for a sustainable use of EmergencyEye® at your site. Let’s work together and discuss the settings required to deploy EmergencyEye® and continue to sustain your infrastructure.
Safety, success and help through EmergencyEye®.
The system is fire safe, it works simply and intuitively.
Thomas Dilbens,
Head of the integrated district control center of Rhein-Kreis Neuss
Jens Schmitt,
Head of the central control center of the Lahn-Dill district
We see here a very good example of how the emergency services are using digitization for the benefit of people.
Prof. Dr. Kristina Sinemus,
Ministry of Digital Strategy and Development
Thomas Strobl,
Minister of the Interior, Digitalization & Migration of the State of Baden-Württemberg
Dr. Andreas Cerbe,
Member of the Board of Management of Rheinenergie
With EmergencyEye® we help those who help us.
Hannes Ametsreiter,
CEO Vodafone Germany
Hannes Ametsreiter,
CEO Vodafone Germany
Swiss Post relies on EmergencyEye®.
Pascal Suri,
Product owner in development and innovation
Bernd Moser
DRK Landesschule Baden-Württemberg, Qualification for Control Center Dispatchers
We give eyes on the ground to the emergency services.
Thomas Dilbens,
Head of the integrated district control center of Rhein-Kreis Neuss
Harald Stürtz,
District Fire Inspector of the Lahn-Dill District
EmergencyEye® is a product with clear added value for society.
Dr. Katharina Ladewig,
Managing Director, EIT Health Germany.
September 2019
Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Bernd W. Böttiger,
Director of the Clinic for Anesthesiology and Operative Intensive Care Medicine / University Hospital Cologne